Single exon genes
Submission 5, October 17, 2007

Negative controls 1

94 known pseudogenes with at least a little synteny. Similar sequences may be among false positivies in our SEG candidates.

Negative controls 2

51 open reading frames in ENCODE that have no known transcription or protein similarity and that occur outside of known genes.

Negative controls 3

43 open reading frames in ENCODE that have no known transcription or protein similarity and that occur inside an intron on a reverse strand.

Positive results from previous submissions

Here are all experiments from previous rounds which according to my preliminary analysis appear to be positive. Some of them are somewhat questionable (they seem to be spliced or quality is low). The list shows the original name from the fasta file and in which batch of experiments it was done. I suggest testing a plate of 93 randomly selected SEGs shown below together with the negative controls.

Previous submission

June. 2007