You can either download the Phast binaries or compile Phast from source. Binaries are generally the easiest way to get up and running with Phast and are suggested for new users.
PHAST is written in standard C and should compile cleanly on any standard UNIX platform (including Mac OS X). PHAST is mostly self-contained, but it does depend on the LAPACK package for certain matrix operations (diagonalization and inversion). On Mac OS X (version 10.3 or later) LAPACK is built-in, but on other platforms, the C port of LAPACK, called CLAPACK, must be installed for PHAST to be fully functional.
PHAST binaries for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux can be downloaded from here.
1. Download a copy of Phast from here
and extract the file phast*.tgz using 'tar -xvzf phast*.tgz'
2. Change directory to 'phast/src/' and run the command 'make'
3. The Phast binaries should be located in the 'phast/bin/' directory.
Part 1 - Installing Clapack - (If you already have Clapack installed, skip to Part 2)
1. Download Clapack from the following URL
2. Unzip clapack.tgz with the command 'tar -xvzf clapack.tgz'
3. Go into the newly created Clapack directory (i.e. 'cd CLAPACK-3.2.1')
and type 'cp && make f2clib && make blaslib && make lib'
Note: Building Clapack can take several minutes depending on your system
Part 2 - Installing Phast
4. Download a copy of Phast from
and extract the contents of phast*.tgz using 'tar -xvzf phast*.tgz'
5. Change directory to 'phast/src/' and run 'make CLAPACKPATH=/usr/local/software/clapack'
replacing '/usr/local/software/clapack' with the path of your
Clapack install (e.g., CLAPACKPATH=/home/username/CLAPACK-3.2.1)
6. The Phast binaries should be created in the '../bin/' directory
PHAST can be compiled under Windows using the Cygwin linux-like environment, but some users have reported difficulties in making this work. We recommend using the provided binaries for Windows, unless you have a good reason to compile the package from source.
The Phast package should compile cleanly in most standard linux or
linux-like environments (including MacOS).
If you encounter problems
compiling, please report them to We'll do our
best to help you work around them and to avoid similar problems in the
PHAST runs on the command line through which you can access all available tools and utilities.
More information on each of these is available on the Resources page.