#VEGA or Encode pseudogene (I.pseudoVegaProcessed>0.5 || I.pseudoVegaUnprocessed>0.5 || I.pseudoEncode>0.5) #not known, spliced, or in intron on the same strand and I.mgcKnown=0 and I.otherKnown=0 and intronsKnown=0 and splicedEST=0 and submitted=0 #not olfactory ###and I.horde=0 #longer ###and I.length>=300 #has a protein match and (D.scorePfam>0 or D.scoreBlastP>0) #at least slight synteny and (I.netSyntenyMm8>0.1 or I.netSyntenyRn4>0.1 or I.netSyntenyCanFam2>0.1) #remove simple repeat and duplicated regions and simpleRepeat<0.01 and duplicated<0.01 and length(I.name)<18 #filter out random chr and not(I.name like "orfchrY%") #filter out chr Y