PROGRAM: pbsEncode USAGE: pbsEncode [OPTIONS] input.probs codefile > output.bin DESCRIPTION: Produce an approximate binary encoding of a probabilistic biological sequence (PBS), as defined by a text file ("input.probs") with a row for each position in the sequence and a column for each base. The (i,j)th value in this table should be the probability of base j at position i. Columns should be white-space delimited. The encoding will be as defined by "codefile", which should be in the format used by pbsTrain. This program performs the inverse function of pbsDecode. EXAMPLE: Encode the probabilities in a file "anc.human-mouse.probs", produced by prequel, using a code file "mammals.code", produced by pbsTrain. pbsEncode anc.human-mouse.probs mammals.code > anc.human-mouse.bin OPTIONS: --discard-gaps, -G Discard gaps in the PBS. Gaps in the input data are assumed to be represented by rows consisting of a single "-" character. --help, -h Produce this help message.