PROGRAM: dmcompare USAGE: dmcompare [OPTIONS] target.gff query.gff DESCRIPTION: Compares gff features in a query set to those in a target set and prints statistics to standard out. For example, can be used to compare a set of motif predictions from dmotif/dmsample to a set of known features embedded in sequences generated by dmsimulate. This is useful for computing various performance measures, such as sensitivity and specificity. A match is defined as a motif that exists in the identical position and flavor (i.e., branch and selection type) in both target and query sets. Mismatches exist in identical positions in both sets, but are predicted under different modes of selection (e.g., loss vs. conserved) and/or as an event occuring on a different branch. Unique features exist in a given position within one set or the other, but not both (though they may overlap matching features, in the case of predictions from dmsample). EXAMPLES: OPTIONS: --gff-out, -g Print features in the classes "match", "mismatch" , "unique_to_query" and "unique_to_target" to separate gff files. Gff files for output are named based on the query gff filename, and are appended with the category names indicated above. --compute-fpr, -f , Compute false positive rate and specificity. is the total length of the input sequence(s), measured in base pairs. --inexact, -i Allow a motif prediction one branch above or below the node specified in the reference gff to be called a true positive. NOT COMPATIBLE WITH --present-in-posteriors! --present-in-posteriors, -p Allow a true positive call if a prediction contains the correct branch and mode of selection in the full posteriors. Use with --thresh to require the associated posterior probabilty to be at least (N * PP-best), where PP-best is the posterior probability of the "best" prediction (i.e., the one used as the feature type in the gff). --thresh, -t N To be used with --present-in-posteriors. Require the posterior probability for the correct branch and mode of selection be at least (N * PP-best), where PP-best is the posterior probability of the "best" prediction (i.e., the one used as the feature type in the gff). For example, if N = 0.5 and the posterior probability for the best prediction is 0.5, the posterior probability of the correct prediction in the full posteriors must be >= 0.25 in order to count the feature as a true positive prediction. --help, -h Show this help message and exit.