PROGRAM: dmTranslateToRealigned USAGE: dmTranslateToRealigned [OPTIONS] orig.gff orig_msa_path \\ realigned_msa_path refseq_path translated.gff unmatched.gff orig_msa_path and realigned_msa_path are directories that contain individual MSA files for each feature named in orig.gff. These must follow the naming convention used by dmsimulate. refseq_path is the path to a directory containing the gap-free sequences for the reference genome in the above MSA's. DESCRIPTION: Translates locations of motifs generated by dmsimulate with the --indel-mod option from the coordinate frame of the original dmsimulate output MSA to the coordinate frame of a realigned version of the output MSA. Uses simple string matching, whenever possible using an ungapped sequence as the search string. Features from the original GFF that cannot be unambiguously mapped to the realigned MSA are written to "unmatched.gff." EXAMPLES: OPTIONS: --msa-format, -i FASTA|PHYLIP|MPM|MAF|SS Alignment format for input sequences (default FASTA). It is assumed that both original and realigned sequences are in the same format! Note that the program msa_view can be used for conversion. --refseq-format, -f FASTA|PHYLIP|MPM|MAF|SS Format of the reference sequence (default FASTA). --refspecies, -r ID of the reference species. This is used to build the reference sequence names, following the naming convention from msa_view with the --split-all option. Default is hg18. --help, -h Show this help message and exit.