This archive contains BED files describing the genotypes of 7 individual genomes analyzed in our dempgraphic analysis. The individuals: ---------------- venter - European(Levy et al. PLoS Biol 2007) na12891 - European (1000 Genomes) na18507 - Yoruban (Bentley et al. Nature 2008) hanChinese - Han Chinese (Wang et al. Nature 2007) sjk - Korean (Ahn et al. Genome Res 2009) abt - Bantu (Schuster et al. Nature 2010) kb1 - San (Schuster et al. Nature 2010) Each individual is associated with three bed files: XXXX-snps.bed ------------- Each line in this file indicates a position of a (confident) difference between the individual genome and the hg18 reference sequence. The positions are 0-based in hg18 coordinates. For each position, columns 4&5 correspond tothe reference base and the called genotype, resp. The called genotype is one of A, C, G, T, R, Y, S, W, M, K, where the latter 6 indicate heterozygous genotypes (e.g., R = A/G). XXXX-mask.bed ------------- A BED file with regions masked out due to low read depth or indels in the mapped reads XXXX-cluster-15-15.bed ---------------------- A BED file with regions masked due to clustered SNPs. SNPs are defined as being clustered if they are within 15 bp of each other. The region between the SNPs is masked as well as the 15 bp flanking the region on each side. Note: ----- Every base in the genome that is not covered by any of the above BED files is assumed to have the reference genotype. Note that additional universal mappability filters (repeats, etc.) are applied separately. ** All poditions are given in coordinates of hg18 (Genome build 36)