The files in this directory are used by the UCSC Genome Browser hub relevant to the paper: "Mapping gene flow between ancient hominins through demography-aware inference of the ancestral recombination graph" by Hubisz, Williams, Siepel (biorxiv 2019). Each directory contains results for a genome-wide run of ARGweaver: M1A: This is the main set of results presented in the paper, where the data set contains 2 African individuals from the SGDP data set (Khomani_San_1 and Mandenka_2), two Neanderthals, the Denisovan, and a chimpanzee. The migration time (t_mig) was set to 250kya and the super-archaic divergence time (t_div) to 1Mya M2B: This is an alternate set of results with the same data set as M1A, but using t_mig=150kya and t_div=1.5Mya. These results are presented in the Supplementary Text ooaM1A: This is a set using a model similar to the one in M1A, but with additional migration bands from Nea and Den into humans at 50kya. The data included the same individuals as the previous set, but with the addition of a Papuan individual (Papuan_1) and a Basque individual (Basque_2) papOOA: This run had the same data as the previous run, except without the Basque individual. It was analyzed using a simple model that only has migration bands from Neanderthal and the Denisovan into humans 50kya. These results were presented in the main text (Figure 4) fraOOA: This run is similar to papOOA, except it uses the Basque individual instead of the Papuan, and were also presented in Figure 4 of the main text. Within each directory, there are several types of files, but the main ones of interest are the "bw" files. These are bigWig files (UCSC Genome browser format). They give a probability of introgression per base for each individual and each type of migration event, as indicated by the file name. Within the file name, the following codes are used: het = heterozygous introgressed hom = homozygous introgressed either = heterozygous or homozygous introgressed alt = Altai Neanderthal vin = Vindija Neanderthal den = Denisovan afr1 = Khomani_San_1 afr2 = Mandenka_2 aToN = Africa to Neanderthal introgression aToD = Africa to Denisovan introgression sToA = super-archaic to African sToN = super-archaic to Neanderthal sToD = super-archaic to Denisovan dToH = Denisovan to human dToN = Neanderthal to human hToN = Human to Neanderthal hToD = human to Denisovan Note that sometimes I use a or A for "African", and others I use h or H for humans, but the models are the same. It is just depends on whether the data analyzed included non-African humans. Other files are likely of less interest; the bed files are summaries of introgressed regions using a 0.5 cutoff, and the bb (bigBed) files are conversions of these used by the Genome Browser. The variantBeds subdirectories contain bigBeds which give the location of variants for each phased haplotype (using the phasing from the final ARGweaver-D iteration).