This directory contains genome-wide ARGweaver results for the analysis on 54 unrelated genomes from Complete Genomics. The raw output from all non-burnin reps is found in the direcory raw_output. Note that it is size 280Gb and contains 275,200 files (one for each MCMC rep and each of 1376 genome segments). To download the whole set, retrieve the file raw_output_files.txt. Then use the following command: wget --quiet -i raw_output_files.txt -r -nH --cut-dirs=1 Alternatively, the file cg_results.bed.gz contains all results condensed into a sorted and indexed bed file. The format is chrom,chromStart,chromEnd,sampleNumber, tree (newick format). The recombination events leading from one tree to the next within a sample is encoded as a NHX comment in the tree string of the tree to the left of the recombination event. This file is indexed by tabix. Using tabix, any region of the genome can be queried without downloading the whole file. For example: tabix chr4:123456-123456 will retrieve the trees for all samples in this region. The ARGweaver software also comes with a utility, arg-summarize, which uses this file to compute various statistics of the tree in a region. The argWeaver source code, including arg-summarize, can be downloaded here: Arg-summarize also has a web interface, available here: Please do not use the web interface for genome-wide or large queries. It may time out after 10 minutes, and jobs may be killed if too many are running simultaneously. Note that extracting statistics across so many trees is computationally complex, and the web interface may be too slow for large genetic regions. Therefore, some statistics are available precomputed genome-wide in bigwig format. They are: tmrca total-branchlen popsize each is available for all individuals, as well as african, asian, and european subsets. The subsets consist of populations with little evidence of admixture. Specifically, african: LWK, MKK, YRI populations (17 individuals total) asian: CHB and JPT populations (8 individuals total) european: CEPH, CEU, and TSI populations (13 individuals total)